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We Are Blightbound: 1.0

New Features - Highlights!

Blightbound’s full release has arrived! Along with it, there are a host of changes, improvements, fixes, and more! Unlock 3 new heroes: Wretch - a mysterious Warrior! Karue - an Assassin on a mission. Ziram - a heavily armoured Mage! A new boss in a new dungeon, which act as the end game of Blightbound’s story. A bunch of new items, including community items!

If you have any feedback, the most direct ways to reach us are Steam Forums and Discord.

Check out the Launch Trailer here!

Below are some highlights, followed by the full patch notes:

  • The bounty board has gotten more busy! We've added a bunch of new difficulty based bounties, with better rewards to boot. This way high difficulty bounties are also more rewarding.

  • Added new style consumable: 1 time buffs for dungeon run.

  • Remove % from ult charges ui. Ultimate abilities now require various levels of charge instead, ranging from 50 to 150.

    • Lightning Strikes now costs 50% ultimate, but now deals 300% weapon power (down from 400%) per attack, and deals 5 attacks (down from 6).

    • Awaken Ancient now costs 150% ultimate, but now lasts 15 seconds (up from 10 seconds).

  • Some heroes have new passives and skills:

    • Kujuk: Replaced passive "Fast" with a new one: "Ripple in time"; Duplicate your titan skills with a 2 second delay.

    • Scarlet: Replaced Chakram skill with the Ricochet Glaive skill.

    • Desert Mouse: Replaced Ricochet Glaive skill with Chakram skill.

    • Desert Mouse: Buffed and slightly changed passive: the cap has been increased to 300%, up from 200%, but you only gain 10% damage increase when hitting an enemy with a basic attack. However, the effect remains until you have been out of combat for 3 seconds, which effectively means you can keep the passive effect active for the entirety of an encounter.

    • Malborys: Passive has been changed, it now briefly emboldens Malborys with 5% damage reduction after spending rage. stacks up to 30%.

    • Bu: Passive now deals 2000% bleed damage from your crits (up from 200%), and the bleed no longer stacks.

    • Commander Clegg: Replaced Taunting Roar with Ground Stomp.

    • Commander Clegg: Phalanxes now copy Clegg’s skills when used.

    • Roland: Passive changed to fully charge your ultimate gauge at the start of each room instead of spawning a Spirit.

  • Introduced a dedicated “Play with bots” option without needing to enter matchmaking.


  • Changed the way the loot fountains at the end of boss fights are triggered. Loot fountains now spawn in a designated spot in the boss arena when the boss has been defeated.

  • Gold and Class Coins now stay on the ground until picked up.

  • Local players can now only be added when a supported controller is connected

  • Blightrifts now also appear and are accessible when playing with bots. However, because some of the Blightrifts make use of some unique or specific mechanics, players will only encounter the Blightrifts where bots function as intended for now. We might fine-tune their intelligence in the future, so that all Blightrifts can be made accessible for them as well.

  • Some of the heroes found in dungeons now only spawn at certain difficulty levels, to slow down the pace at which the player acquires new heroes. Getting a new hero should feel special, so we implemented this change so that newer players do not get a unique hero in each new dungeon they explore and/or complete.

  • Ensure player heroes start dungeons with full health.

  • Increased the texture resolution on Sentinel animation graphics.

  • The Writhing Oracle now only spawns when all players are present in her boss arena at the end of For Whom the Bell Tolls.

  • Shadow Statue skill now has unlimited skill range.

  • Removed skill range indicator on Shadow Statue.

  • Reduced the base ultimate charge gain when someone picks up mana to 5% (down from 10%).

  • Fixed an issue where the Health noted in a character's stats sheet was sometimes not exactly the same as in-game health.

  • Fixed conversations with enemies during Karue's story.

  • Fixed an issue where Creen's personal goal achievement would reset after finishing a run and pop up as a Steam achievement, even though the player did not play Creen.

  • Fixed an issue where tentacle traps showed status effects.

  • Fixed an issue where Shadow Statue was blocked by environmental collision.

  • Fixed an issue where Shadow Statue beam visuals were incorrectly stretched instead of repeated.

  • Fixed an issue where Bu would lose the bleed from her passive when applying a smaller crit to the enemy that already had a stronger bleed.

  • Fixed an issue where the general charger kept displaying its attack area visual after death.

  • Fixed an issue where the boss charger kept displaying its attack area visual after death.

  • Fixed an issue where the general charger kept displaying its charge area visual after death.

  • Fixed an issue where the boss charger kept displaying its charge area visual after death.

  • Fixed an issue where picking up mana granted you more ultimate resources than intended.


  • When playing the tutorial you're no longer able to move backwards in menu tabs.

  • The play with bots option has been removed from your first game, as it's always a bot match.

  • Tutorial prompts no longer unintentionally show continue prompts.

  • The first line from the Elder now properly shows its dialogue box.

  • Scarlet's ricochet chakram will now no longer remain unintentionally locked when playing the tutorial.

  • Fixed an issue in the tutorial where the popup about favourites wouldn't show up.

  • Fixed an issue where quitting out of the gameplay tutorial early brings you to a menu state where you are unable to do anything but replay the tutorial.

  • Fixed an issue in the tutorial where Malborys was unable to trigger his ultimate on the fight with Ramkraak.

  • Fixed an issue in the tutorial where not all enemies would not stop moving and attacking.


AI Improvements

  • Implemented more checks so bots are more likely to step on a correct pressure plate.

  • Enabled pausing game when playing with local players only.

  • Khuliath's bombs no longer scare bots when he's invincible.

  • Bots can now no longer end up without equipment and stats if the players had enough blighted trinkets.

  • Bots will now forget targets they can no longer reach.

  • Bots now correctly use their ultimates.

  • Bots can now easier navigate around pushable blocks.

  • Bots now avoid beams.

  • Bots will no longer walk away from you when you're slightly off the pathfinding grid.

  • Bots will no longer use their damage skills on bones out of combat.

  • Bots now have an improved load out that synergises better with their skill set.

  • Bots now don't run away from the Blighted Convict during the entirety of its attack.

  • The follower spawned by the shield Siurd's Might, and the follower spawned by Clegg's passive, no longer deal more damage than intended.

  • Phalanxes no longer try to attack targets inside a coffin

  • Mage bots now also look for enemies that can't be reached by walking.

  • Mage bots can now use frozen orb.

  • Mage bots will now no longer first use up all of their heals before reviving their target.

  • Mage bots will now use Gravity Well.

  • Mage bots will no longer flee from enemies while in Frozen Orb mode.

  • Mage bots will now try to heal more targets when the mage is low on health himself.

  • The Mage's coffin skill can now no longer be cast on players by bots.

  • Assassin bot will now use the dagger throw at melee range only.

  • Assassin bots with smoke bomb now use the smoke bomb before reviving.

  • Fixed an issue where bots with the glaive skill would not be able to use it during specific circumstances.

  • Fixed issue where bots would stop reviving if interrupted.

  • Fixed an issue where bots could get stuck when a player stands on a pressure plate.

  • Fixed an issue where bots could get stuck in Ominous Cave.

  • Fixed an issue where bots could get stuck around the heads in Rockface Refuge.

  • Fixed an issue where bots could get stuck in a fleeing state.

  • Fixed an issue where bots would try to revive allies who can't be reached.

  • Fixed an issue where bots were not avoiding Khuliath's insta-kill attack.

  • Fixed an issue where bots would move to pressure plates that were already pressed.

  • Fixed an issue where bots would try to targets enemies outside a fog wall.

  • Fixed an issue where bots would infinitely try to revive and run away from traps when a hero gets downed a top of a trap.

  • Fixed an issue where it looked like bots would pick up items for themselves.

  • Fixed an issue where the bots' dodge cooldown reduction wasn't scaling correctly based on difficulty.

  • Fixed an issue where Creen bot couldn't use the skill Dragging Assault.

  • Fixed an issue where Kromn bot couldn't use the skill Dragging Assault.

  • Fixed Assassin bots using Death From Above while having no valid target.

  • Fixed Assassin bots using Death From Above on life draining Bloodmagi.

  • Fixed an issue where Seirrinne bot would throw tons of Chakrams very quickly.

  • Fixed an issue where Bu bot couldn't use the skill Venom Grenade.

  • Fixed a rare issue where Mage bots would target enemies with Reversal Shield.

  • Fixed an issue where Mage bots would attack enemies out of reach.

  • Fixed an issue where Mage bots would not cancel the Coffin skill when there was one enemy left.

  • Fixed an issue where a Mage bot with a reversal barrier or reversal shield skill, will now always try to use that skill before reviving and teleporting towards the downed player.

  • Fixed an issue where bots would prioritise picking up mana while they really shouldn't.

  • Fixed an issue where a Mage bot would try to heal heroes at the start of a game when someone is equiped with items that give lots of health.

  • Fixed an issue where Mage bots using Frozen Orb sometimes instantly visually revert back to their human form.

  • Fixed an issue where the Mage bot could not lose his in combat status, preventing players from progressing.

  • Fixed an issue where a Mage bot would teleport away from a downed player when trying to move towards the downed player to revive.

  • Fixed an issue where a Mage bot with reversal shield wouldn't use the shield before reviving.

  • Fixed an issue where Nilbous bot didn't use his passive ability.

  • Fixed an issue where Tek'ka bot couldn't use the skill Reversal Barrier.

  • Fixed an issue where Ziram bot couldn't use the skill Reversal Barrier.

  • Fixed bots getting stuck in cave behind Gruegant fight.

  • Fixed an issue where bots would try to move to a waypoint that was unreachable.

  • Fixed bots being unable to open a door in the Gravemark.

Other Gameplay Changes

  • Added 5 second delay for returning to the refuge after disconnect, to prevent accidental leaves.

  • Added pathfinding checks for mage blinks.

  • Added pathfinding check to Death-from-Above activation to hopefully keep assassin characters within the level.

  • Spirit Coffin will now free the trapped enemy when it's the last remaining one.

  • The Ravaged Storehouse crypt in Darkness' Embrace (the room where you need to reach a certain spot within a time limit) now always spawns a fountain of loot and items when done successfully.

  • Halved wretch enemies’ base health. They can now summon another wretch once they are at 50% health or lower.

  • Frost skull damage increased to 750% weapon power per sec up from 666.7%. Frost Skull can now spawn mana when hitting enemies.

  • The Warrior skill Taunting Roar now also stops enemy skills when timed correctly (just before a skill is about to go off (e.g. a Sinful Totemist's Blast attack), or when a skill is already active (e.g. a Sightless Hag's Beam attack)).

  • Buffed Kromn's passive: now grants 20% Ultimate charge when you use a Titan skill, up from 5%.

  • Buffed Korrus' passive: base Mana drop chance is increased by 100%, up from 50%.

  • Buffed Scarlet's passive: backstab attacks now also have an additional 50% critical hit chance.

  • Adjusted Mage Blink and Assassin Death-From-Above skills so that bots will always use position validation before triggering those skills.

  • Difficulty levels assigned to dungeons will now only be refreshed if players reach the victory/defeat screen.

  • The Phalanx soldier summoned by Clegg's passive now spawns near Clegg instead of at Clegg's exact location.

  • The Spirit summoned by Roland's passive now spawns near Roland instead of at Roland's exact location.

  • The ancient follower summoned by the item Siurd's Might now spawns near you instead of at your exact location.

  • In the Rift of Separation, players are now able to revive the Mage trapped in the cage, or vice versa.

  • The difficulty of the Cultists of Asphodel's boss fight has been increased. Each Cultist has ~20% more health, and the laser that spawns during the fight now changes based on difficulty level.

  • Players can no longer interact with levers that are already in use by another player.

  • Players can no longer clip through geometry by the gate in Answering the Call.

  • Kujuk's new passive now also deals bonus damage on the duplicated skill.

  • Reduced the amount of ultimate charge the mage gets from healing a single target to 8 (down from 10).

  • Phalanxes summoned by the shield Siurd's Might and Clegg's passive no longer use the exact same pathing, and are now bit spread out.

  • Reduced the character scale of the Awaken Ancient follower to the same scale as the players.

  • The targeting of the Assassin skill Death from Above is more clear when used with a controller.

  • Players can no longer hit and damage the NPC's inside of the prison cells in Bloodlust Cavern at the end of The Hemomancer.

  • Mages can no longer spawn Mana or gain Mana chance by hitting invulnerable enemies.

  • Fix that Phalanxes had silenced status effect visuals whenever they emerged.

  • Fixed that controller rumble settings weren't properly used sometimes.

  • Fixed another situation where mage could heal before reviving.

  • Fixed an issue in Rift of Sliding, where a character that rapidly received knockback would go airborne.

  • Fixed that enemies could show for 1 frame when spawning in.

  • Fixed an issue where enemies that were stuck kept targeting their default target. They will now switch targets.

  • Fixed an issue where Khul's shoot animation didn't trigger when playing with bots.

  • Fixed an issue where the Warriors' Dash ability would be stopped prematurely, due to colliding with the hitbox of an enemy corpse.

  • Fixed a minor visual issue where the aura surrounding the bells spawned by the Writhing Acolyte did not loop correctly. Also, fixed an issue where this visual would remain in the arena after its respective bell was destroyed.

  • Fixed collision and camera issues in some Gravemark crypts.

  • Fixed an issue where named enemies that were either frozen or inside a coffin would continue their effects.

  • Fixed an issue where the Sinful Totemist would continue its attack when dying mid-attack.

  • Fixed an issue where interrupting a player skill by using a ping would keep the attack previsualisation.

  • Fix a crash that would occur when other heroes stand off-screen in an active door.

  • Fixed a minor issue where Assassins were able to apply Exposed unintentionally on non-enemy targets such as switches and barrels.

  • Fixed a minor issue where Gravity Well was affecting non-enemies, such as switches and levers.

  • Fixed a minor issue where Gorman's Root item effect (and items with a similar effect) was affecting non-enemies, such as switches and levers.

  • Fixed an issue where reversal shield skill didn't scale with character scale like Awaken Ancient.

  • Fixed an issue where Reversal Barrier was visible on targets that were airborne using the Lawbringer skill.

  • Fixed an issue where tentacle traps didn't destroy themselves when their target died.

  • Fixed an issue where Tentacle traps were susceptible to Damage over Time effects.

  • Fixed an issue where Khuliath couldn't find players to shoot at.

  • Fixed a minor visual issue where the Amalgamation's shield visual would remain in the world, due to Maggot enemies exploding themselves while being shielded.

  • Fixed a minor issue where interactables and enemies that were immune to slowing effects would still get slowed regardless of their immunity.

  • Fixed an issue where reviving another player was not cancelled when being trapped by a tentacle trap during the revive.

  • Fixed an issue where players could get out of the Frost Skull animation.

  • Fixed an issue where using the Spirit Coffin skill on enemies that just spawned, made them vulnerable to damage.

  • Fixed an issue where Spirit Coffin would not disappear upon canceling the skill.

  • Fixed an issue where enemies would be damageable during the Spirit Coffin skill.

  • Fixed an issue where enemies would flinch during the Spirit Coffin skill.

  • Fixed an issue where enemies that got hit didn't aggro until players got close to melee range.

  • Fixed an issue where the shield block animation overlay would update without using directional input.

  • Fixed an issue where enemies with a silence status would have a slow status visual instead.

  • Fixed an issue where Seer Rook's passive cooldown reduction on Unleash Spirits didn't apply when the skill is on cooldown when using the coffin skill on an enemy.

  • Fixed an issue where the charger general would stop its charge attack early when near a wall.

  • Fixed an issue where the charger general 3rd melee hit would hurt players outside of the intended area.

  • Fixed an issue where the charger general charge attack would stop if a character was inside the position validation off-set

  • Fixed an issue where the charger boss would stop its charge attack early when near a wall.

  • Fixed an issue where the charger boss 3rd melee hit would hurt players outside of the intended area

  • Fixed an issue where the charger boss charge attack would stop if a character was inside the position validation off-set

  • Fixed an issue where the bosses Byrinth and Haäken were extremely susceptible to the frozen crowd control effect, causing their attack patterns and damage moments to sometimes become unpredictable when they were repeatedly frozen by players.

  • Fixed an issue where Haäken the Jailed had more idle time between his attacks during phase 1, if he didn't have travel time towards his default target.

  • Fixed an issue where Haäken the Jailed would continue to shoot cogs when he died during his signature phase 2 skill.

  • Fixed an issue where the bloodmage would idle instead of shooting his beam attack.

  • Fixed an issue where the bloodmage would flip for a frame during the start of the beam attack.

  • Fixed an issue where the bloodmage would idle after doing a lifesteal attack during phase 2.

  • Fixed an issue where the bloodmage would idle indefinitely after doing a teleport.

  • Fixed an issue where multiple bloodmage copies would spawn inside the same bloodpool if there aren't any other free spots left.

  • Reduced cooldown on the bloodmage teleport by 25%, so it aligns the skill use to be used after placing a bloodpool.

  • Damage-over-time effects are now removed when Khuliath or the Writhing Oracle is transitioning phases (they did not deal any damage, as the bosses are invincible during phase switches, but they did make the health bar displayed at the top look weird visually).

  • Fixed a minor visual issue that indicated that all damage dealt to Blighted Convicts was reduced, because of the shield icon next to the damage number. Blighted Convicts take the same damage as all other enemies, and only block damage when their shield is hit.

  • Fixed an issue where the skill Unleash Spirits would not hit enemies that walk within the skill area during the activation of the skill.

  • Enemies are now easier to hit in melee range with the Unleash Spirits skill.

  • Overall performance improvements.


  • The staff Blightbane has a new passive: Using Summon Spirit resets the lifetime of all active Spirits.

  • Added a safety net to the item Mechanical Wheel, to prevent a very rare issue where the player was not able to use their Dodge skill for the rest of the room, when a Dodge was used within a specific time frame.

  • Added backstab damage to Touch of Duron sword.

  • Equipping Cleansing Touch now also does knockback to enemies when using Unleash Spirits on them.

  • Reworded localization for Cleansing Touch so it better describes that your skill changes.

  • Reset potions are now unusable if the current hero has no allocated stat points.

  • Tweaked stats on most items so the base stats are more inline with each other.

  • Items that granted less than 30% exploit damage, actually granted a lot more exploit damage than intended. This has now been corrected.

  • Increased the damage Gravemark Headkey deals to 1000% weapon damage (up from 350%).

  • Buffed the items Purifed Last Breath and Canister of Life: they now heal the reviving player and downed player to full health, rather than half health.

  • Increased the healing effect of item AntiVenom to 10% max health per tick (up from 2%).

  • Updated the item Alchemists's Material. Now grants a bonus class coin for you and your team for each item you acquire. Also made it so that it stacks with itself, meaning you can equip more than one to acquire even more class coins.

  • Ring of the Cimma's Folk: Exploit Damage increased from 20% to 40%.

  • Tergaron's Truth: Ultimate Damage increased from 20% to 40%.

  • Crown of Thorns: Crit Damage removed, replaced with 500 Health. Damage Reduction increased from 10% to 20%.

  • Grimoire of Blight: Cooldown Reduction increased from 9% to 15%.

  • Reckless Charge: the fire aura during Awaken Ancient deals 50% more damage (totalling to 150% of your weapon power as damage).

  • Aetheri Resolve: Crit Damage and Dodge Cooldown Reduction removed, replaced with 500 Health and 40% Exploit Damage.

  • Item passives that grant bonus attack speed are worded more clearly, and specify exactly how much attack speed they grant for how long.

  • Fixed Shining Prism only triggering if player picks up mana him or herself

  • Fixed that crafted items sometimes were not immediately equippable.

  • Fixed being unable to start dragging an equipped item using its tooltip.

  • Fixed being able to hover over items that are out of view.

  • Fixed an issue where the crafting hierarchy missed some items.

  • Fixed an issue where equipping multiple carved skulls caused longer cooldown between projectiles.

  • Fixed an issue where equipping multiple carved skulls didn't shoot multiple projectiles.

  • Fixed an issue where shielding from the item effect Mwaans Moon would still persist during Lawbringer.

  • Fixed an issue where the altered Chakram caused by the dagger M'Waan's Half-Moon was dealing less damage than intended.

  • Fixed an issue where the Phalanxes spawned by the item effect of Sun's Restoration would sometimes be spawned out of bounds, when Lawbringer was used near the borders of a level.

  • Fixed an issue where Crown of thorns required the story goal item of Wodania in the recipe.

  • Fixed an issue where the bleed of Venom's Vault does not stack if you equip 2 of them.

  • Fixed an issue where the bleed of Venom's Vault does not show a DoT on enemy health bars.

  • Fixed issues related to the Carved Skull item passive. The Carved Skull should now always act as a normal projectile which is aimed at your cursor on M&K, or in your general aim direction on controller.

  • Fixed a minor issue where the explosion caused by Manaburst Brooch's item passive was able to trigger backstab and deal bonus backstab damage.

  • Fixed an issue where the sword Friendship's passive did not work as intended.

  • Fixed an issue where the item passive of the sword The Reaper did not work as intended for clients.

  • Fixed an issue where the swords Wolf's Claw, Twin Blade and Enn's Word seemed to grant more stats than intended, according to the Stats tab.

  • Fixed an issue where Wolf's Claw's passive did not work as intended.

  • Fixed an issue where the item passive of Dokalt's Ring unintentionally triggered at the start of a dungeon, as well as without getting hit (when the passive comes back up).

  • Fixed an issue where equipping multiple Trick Bomb would not result in dealing more damage.

  • Fixed an issue where Shinig Prism (item that grants additional resource when picking up a mana orb), did not stack with itself when equiping multiple.

  • Fixed an issue where item Scroll of Unity does not spawn a book follower when transitioning to a new area.

  • Fixed a possible issue where item Scroll of Unity could spawn a book follower during a door transition when entering a new level.

  • Fixed an issue where equiping Sun's Restoration would change the default spawn animation of the Phalanx skill to the lawbringer variant.

  • Fixed an issue where the item Soul of Kriusz caused the Spirit Coffin skill to appear too big on targets.

  • Fixed an issue where the item Reckless Charge did not align with the Awaken Ancient duration when it had extended duration.

  • Fixed an issue where the item Cleansing Touch prevented the player from moving shortly after using the Unleash Spirits skill.

  • Fixed an issue where Titan Essence didn't heal other players when someone picked up a mana orb.

  • Fixed an issue where Underhold Shackles didn't reduce cooldowns when not being the host of the game.

  • Fixed an issue where Underhold Shackles effect didn't stack when equipping multiple.


  • Group bosses will now only be added to the Bestiary when all bosses in the group are defeated.

  • The Merchant will now automatically refresh his stock when it is empty.

  • Added a small notification icon for newly acquired bounties.

  • Made the cost of Aetheri Sparks consistent across all rarities in the Blacksmith.

  • Updated the location of the sun in the sky so it better suits the layout of the Refuge.

  • Optimised the layout of the Quartermaster menu by introducing better spacing.

  • Diversified recipes of Uncommon and Rare items by introducing specific class coins to the recipes of different items.

  • Hemog now uses the same visuals as shown in the Bestiary.

  • After forging an item in the Blacksmith, a hero present in the Refuge will now comment on the item that was just forged. For example, a warrior might comment on a new sword or shield being forged.

  • Consumables now need to be dragged to the consumable inventory slot to be activated.

  • Removed countdown timer before the “Play with bots” option would appear.

  • Removed references to “Artisan Assistants”.

  • Changed the description of Malborys’ passive to improve its readability. Added a consumable slot to the Quartermaster.

  • Improved overall Refuge interface to prevent overlapping and clipping texts and notifications.

  • Fixed an issue where fighting Tkaat would also add Hemog to the Bestiary.

  • Fixed an issue where the player would be able to infinitely unequip training gear.

  • Fixed an issue where a popup saying “PlayerName is not ready” could appear when a new player would join the party.

  • Fixed an issue where the Merchant would refresh his stock every time the player bought an item.

  • Fixed an issue where the Merchant buy tab would endlessly refresh.

  • Fixed an issue where defeating a blood magus clone would also unlock the blood magus bestiary entry.

  • Fixed several issues relating to icon graphical errors in the mentor log.

  • Fixed an issue where insufficient crafting materials are not highlighted for players using a controller.

  • Fixed an issue where a player could potentially not acquire a hero that is unlocked by completing (a part of) another hero's story.

  • Fixed an issue where the Refuge Quest "Defeat the writhing oracle" would be completed when the player was defeated during the fight against the writhing oracle.

  • Fixed an issue where the player would be unable to see the story conclusion in the journal.

  • Fixed an issue where class-specific bounties would be unintentionally progressed or completed when playing with bots.

  • Fixed an issue where replaying the tutorial would count towards the progress of some bounties.

  • Fixed numerous issues relating to Artisan assistants, who have been renamed to “Helpers”.


  • The 'Play with bots' button in hero select is not visible if the party is full.

  • Log entries scale to fit longer texts due to font scaling.

  • Character dialogue no longer shows during the hero select screen.

  • Tweaked text positions in map select menu to fit scaling text.

  • Restored missing button shown when a player has a corrupt controlscheme.

  • The chat window now no longer overlaps with button prompts.

  • You are no longer able to select the same hero class as another remote player.

  • Consistently capitalized "the Blacksmith".

  • Targeting an enemy with a player skill now shows the correct range or radius of the skill.

  • Ultimate skills now have their cost % in the mouse-over description.

  • Slowed down fadeout of breadcrumb when using a controller.

  • Repositioned dialog boxes in-game to ensure they no longer overlap notifications.

  • Moved portraits in menu panel to grant more room to content.

  • Highlight party in right sidebar when looking at cosmetics, to better show them

  • Additional information regarding a skill is now shown when hovering over skills in a character's menu.

  • Slightly adjusted the spacing of the Party level and Blight level variables shown in level select.

  • Slightly adjusted the 'damage reduced' icon shown in damage numbers, so that it does not overlap with the actual damage number.

  • Slightly adjusted a character's Journal tab, to prevent certain UI elements from overlapping.

  • Centered question mark in hero select screen icon.

  • Updated the tooltip of the Agility stat in a character's stat tab.

  • Updated the wording of Nilbous' passive to increase clarity. The passive itself is unchanged.

  • Updated target circles for better visibility on all player skills.

  • Upscaled icons to make them slightly sharper when viewed in low resolutions or low graphics quality.

  • Added fade-in for character portraits on ending.

  • Added social buttons to options menu.

  • Added button prompts and functionality to hero select screen.

  • Added 'play with bots' button to heroselect.

  • Added autoscrolling to texts in the map select dock when goal texts are wider than their box.

  • Added manual showing of breadcrumb and added button indicator.

  • Added missing quotation marks for Tergaron's Vision flavor.

  • Fixed the favourite tooltip.

  • Fixed tooltips always sitting in front of the slider you're trying to change.

  • Fixed positioning for F1 prompt and hold to continue prompt during tutorial popups.

  • Fixed start button not centering when exiting the configure controls menu.

  • Fixed Elder dialog box sometimes spilling over into the game.

  • Fixed controller navigation for hero select screen.

  • Fixed being unable to unequip items using controller, no longer requires dedicated key.

  • Fixed the name of the map not displaying correctly during wheel of fortune phase on map select.

  • Fixed potential double tooltip in map select menu.

  • Fixed expanded hero tooltips spilling out of view on the top.

  • Fixed being able to open party menu in game.

  • Fixed hero sidebar buttons being unintentionally available when sidebar is not in focus while using controller.

  • Fixed an issue where the chat radial segment would change based on character movement when using Keyboard & Mouse.

  • Fixed slight depth issues in the merchant panel.

  • Fixed an issue where a broken texture was briefly visible when equipping an item.

  • Fixed an issue where some stat names where shown double, creating an unintentional 'bold' look for those names.

  • Fixed an issue where UI elements would change position based on the size of the sidebar buttons.

  • Fixed where the hero intro dialog and name overlapping in the refuge when a new hero is unlocked.

  • Fixed tooltips not supporting over 5 stats/perks.

  • Fixed an issue where the frozen status effect overlay would sometimes remain visible after an enemy's death.

  • Fixed a minor UI issue where the total amount of Zerrish's Scales would sometimes be partially covered by the Zerrish's Scales icon in the Refuge.

  • Fixed a minor layering issue, where a boss' name would clip through the pause menu when the menu was opened during a boss' introduction sequence.

  • Fixed an issue where the text above Malborys's character when hitting a switch was "Thank you." instead of "I'll smash it.".

  • Fixed a minor visual issue where certain enemy character visuals, such as the effect of being shielded by an Amalgamation or being snared by a player, would remain in the world after the enemy had been killed.

  • Fixed an issue where the Frozen Skull animation could be delayed.

  • Fixed an issue where on several player skills that buffed players a 2nd target circle would show.

  • Fixed an issue where an Amalgamation enemy that was spawning in would show its protection aura before starting its spawning animation.

  • Fixed an unintended button prompt being visible during quest completion dialogues.

  • Fixed an issue where the tooltip in Bu's passive didn't say the passive bleed doesn't stack.

  • General user interface improvements.

  • General improvements to menu navigation.

  • General improvements to text readability.

  • General improvements to the Stats tab.


  • Dungeon 10 is now only shown mapselect when the last quest is reached.

  • The key that spawns at the far right side in Sanctum Gate Azalea of Dark Ritual now only spawns when all enemies in the area have been defeated, instead of the key being present from the start of the room, for clarity purposes.

  • Adjusted ground fog saturation and colourgrading for some Gravemark levels.

  • Slightly updated collision in Elevator of Condemnation of The Descent.

  • Dungeon introductions are now shorter.

  • Moved the story parts of Kromn and Korrus found in Razor Cliffs of Answering the Call to the previous room, Rockface Refuge.

  • Moved the location of Wodania's final story part to an earlier spot in Khuliath, the Mountain Giant.

  • Moved the urn Korrus needs to find for one of his story parts in Razor Cliffs of Answering the Call.

  • Updated the gameplay in Rockface Refuge of The Hemomancer. It is now more clear that players need to extinguish the first beacon before the rest of the level can be explored. Also fixed some collision issues with the mountain heads when splitting up at the end of the sequence.

  • Fixed a minor issue in Northern Hull (B3F) of The Descent, where the enemies in the rightmost prison cell were targetable by certain player skills.

  • Fixed a rare softlock in Ominous Cave of Answering the Call, where players could become stuck at the far right side of the room, due to an enemy walking inside of a zone where players cannot interact with it.


  • Added sound to switching menu tab using controller.

  • Added end-of-game music.

  • Heroes now more often say voice lines regarding things present around them, such as pressure plates, levers, doors and switches.

  • When finishing a dungeon in either victory or defeat, the Elder will say something.

  • The Elder now says something when the Prosperity of the Refuge increases.

  • Tweaked displayed Elder dialog texts to match audio.

  • Voice lines are now played in the hero select menu.

  • Heroes now say a voice line when they are selected in the Refuge while having unspent stat points.

  • When items are sold, a hero present in the Refuge will now say something regarding the item (e.g. when a sword or shield is being sold, a Warrior hero will say something, since it's something they are familiar with).

  • Block UI and notifications from showing up while playing the voiceline of a new hero in the refuge

  • Fixed that the voiceover intro for prison 4 dungeon wouldn’t trigger.

  • Fixed that the voiceover intro at the start of level sequences sometimes didn’t work.

  • Fixed unselectable heroes in hero select also playing their voiceline when clicked on.

  • Fixed map select voiceover sometimes being unintentionally skippable.

  • Fixed being unable to skip quest dialogues.

  • Fixed an issue where the area heal would trigger its sound again after the spell has finished.

  • Fixed an issue where Vesper Bones that were already present in the level produced a sound just before players entered the level.

  • Fixed a minor issue where gold pickups played their spawn sound effect multiple times.


  • Fix that some status effects were not visible on clients.

  • Fix a crash when disconnecting during the last seconds in map select.

  • Fix potential softlocks with host migration.